So, God made an English teacher.
God needed someone who would explain present tense agreement, past and future tense, articles, and prepositions repeatedly until students understand.
So, God made an English teacher.
Someone who knows that students don’t always learn and understand because of things that are going on in their homes and are willing to listen, put the puzzle pieces of life together, and care for those who aren’t doing well in classes.
So, God made an English teacher.
Someone who will put in countless hours of planning preparation outside of their workday, in the early mornings and late into the evenings, and then spend the day teaching beautiful faces to listen, speak, read, and write in English and help them believe in their ability to do so.
So, God made an English teacher.
Someone to bring a student into the classroom and show them love they may or may not be receiving at home while teaching and educating about their worth to the world. Someone who is able to communicate the value of a life.
So, God made an English teacher.
Someone who understands the value of lesson planning but is also aware of the work the Holy Spirit does in students with a keen eye on when to focus classroom work or soul work.
So, God made an English teacher.
Someone who can plant seeds of wisdom that will bloom in the future.
So, God made an English teacher.
Someone who can have a plan B, C, and D and even a Z depending on the needs of a student.
So, God made an English teacher.
Someone who is willing to give up evenings, weekends, even summers in order to gain personal and professional development.
So, God made an English teacher.
Someone who understands the value of family, who takes their cares home each night because of the students whose lives they affect daily, and then smiles with pride and fear when their own son or daughter says they are going to spend their life “doing what Dad or Mom does”.
So, God made an English teacher.
Someone who understands the value of memorization in the learning process but is able to find innovative ways or repeating words, concepts, and grammar until students get it.
So, God made an English teacher.
Someone who is patient, kind, not easily deterred, firm, consistent, loving, and steadfast.
So, God made an English teacher.
Someone who is passionate and unafraid to love unconditionally.
So, God made an English teacher.
Someone who was filling to follow the Master Teacher, Jesus Christ.
So, God made an English teacher.
May God bless you as you continue to follow the Master Teacher’s leading this term.