Where did he teach? He was outside with the wind blowing, birds chirping, sun on his face, sitting under trees, watching people. He used his Father's world in the classroom.
If the heavens declare the glory of God... if Jesus taught in nature, from nature... maybe some time needs to be spent out in His World, making it real for students.
Who did he teach? He taught hurting broken people. He taught how to love. He taught how to be healed.
Are there opportunities in the classroom for students to talk about challenges, hurts, dreams, and concerns? Is it an open loving, caring environment?
How did he teach? He taught by example. What does my example daily teach my students? Do I spend more time considering my example or my curriculum choices? I suggest that a personal example teaches louder than lessons.
What did Jesus use? He taught from Scripture. He taught from the Law. From His Father's Heart.
Does the Bible weave through the classroom? In readings, discussions, role-plays? Are His Words woven in my words?
Lord, make me a teacher like You. Let my resources be nature, people, personal example, and Scripture. Enable me to be natural, captivating, enlightening, loving, godly. May I become a teacher after your own heart.