Teaching is good but a challenge at times. I have had to turn on zoom to accomodate sick students who have COVID. The students are there, but they are not fully present in class. Their minds are elsewhere. I did finally make some progress yesterday. We were going over adverbs. I wrote on the board Virginia quietly left the classroom on the white board near the end of class. I then pointed to the white board, and quietly left the room and closed the door. I waited about fifteen seconds, re-entered the room, and dismissed the class. A few of the students were smiling as they left the room.
I think that most university students spend way too much time on YouTube watching ridiculous videos. Justin is no exception to this. The other night he told me that he identified with with being black and female. I assume that he watched something on YouTube and thought it would be funny to share that with me. I looked at him and said, “You are look male and caucasian!” He was amused by my comment and walked out of the kitchen. I do love this child’s sense of humor!
Have I told you this story? When Justin was about 5 years old, he liked cuddling with me. We were cuddling, and he looked up and said, “Mommy, we are having a moment!” I said, “Yes dear. We are having a moment” and laughed to myself. A little less than five minutes passed. “Mom, the moment is over! I am hot!” Of course, I let him get up, and I was laughing hysterically.
I am more than glad that he is ambitious. I am not sure that it is normal to sit and study that much in grade 7. I am also thinking he is going to burn out with all the studying before he even gets to high school. I realize these are Canadian standards of what is normal for a 13 year-old boy to do as opposed to Korean standards.
He also had a birthday this month! Chocolate cake, Andong chicken, and new airpods! He will be in his own little world for the next two months with those airpods.
Myself? It has been recommended that I put in a proposal for a new course. Many of my colleagues have been sweating through the paperwork to get new courses into the university’s portal system. I am working on something as we speak. And I am hoping to finish it this afternoon…