We were looking at Luke 12:32-34. Jesus was teaching, turns and addresses the disciples about money, possessions, the heart, and the kingdom of God.
I started off my asking them if there were Christian men and women that they admire. Aidan talked about King Solomon.
"King Solomon wanted to be wise and he asked for wisdom and he got it. I think that is cool!"
Justin talked about Lee Tae Seok. "He was a Korean to Africa who taught people how to play musical instruments. Brother Lee. He was also a medical doctor! His whole life was in service to others!"
Jordan was not listening well. He asked, "What is a Christian?" I answered that it was someone who believed in Jesus. He smiled and said, "Mommy!" I knew it was more about not knowing anyone except immediate family.
What is the "kingdom" God has given to us? Aidan thought it over for a minute and decided the kingdom was a big house where we would all live. Justin also thought about it and said that the kingdom of God was all around us. Jordan just looked confused. He had no idea what to say. In the end, I got a smile and a "Good" out of him.
Another question I asked was this. What does Jesus mean he says to pursue "purses...that will not wear out"? Aidan admitted that he just wanted sure about that. Justin voiced something about Soviet Union and communism where everyone shared what they had. I told him it was a good thought but that had not worked out in reality. Jordan, again, just looked confused.
How can your heart be in heaven? Aidan and Justin both thought that if we think about others, our hearts would be in heaven. Jordan was not listening at this point.
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Luke 12:34.
I have always loved these words. There are just so things that one can treasure that have nothing to do with money.
We ended the study asking God to help us make deposits in our heavenly bank accounts. We prayed specifically to give up some things so we would have more to give to the poor.
Interestingly, right after the Bible study, everyone went back to their treasure. Justin was watching his phone, Jordan was watching his device, and Aidan decided to do the dishes. I was reading on my Kindle.
What is your treasure?