Do you hate picking up after others? :)
11) Humor is Fun
Have you heard this story about Franz Schubert? A long time ago he sat down and played a new composition for a friend. Afterward the friend said, "But what does it mean?" Schubert sat down, played the piece again, and said, "That's what it means!" Joy, humor, and laughter are their own rewards.
Isn't that a lovely idea? God gives us humor as an outright gift! Fun - a word you don't hear talked about or done too much in some churches - is a foretaste of heaven.
After all, shouldn't the message of the gospel result in joy? God loves us, forgives us, and He saves us from ourselves. This isn't about dogma and sadness. It's about freedom and joy. We should respond as Sarah responded to the news of a newborn coming - with laughter. If God can forgive me, then the least I can do is respond with gratitude and joy.
Many people throughout history understood this. The man whose first miracle was to turn water into wine at the wedding feast of Cana understood the need for high spirits in life.
11 1/2) Humor is Often Practical
This half reason has nothing to do with spirituality and everything to do with practicality. Here is a story that bears witness to this.
A man was speeding down the highway, late for an appointment. He knew it was the last day of the month, the time when the police were eager to make their monthly "quota" of citations for parking tickets, but he did it anyway. Sure enough, he saw a flashing red light in his rearview mirror. The man sighed and pulled over.
The officer strode up to the car and waved for the man to role down his window, "I've been waiting for you all day!" said the pleased officer. "Well," said the man, "I got here as fast as I could!" The officer laughed so hard that he didn't give the man a ticket.
Sometimes humor can save you money!
A cheerful heart is good medicine,
but a downcast spirit dries up the ones.
- Proverbs 17:22