I pray in the middle of the night.
I pray when I get up in the morning.
I pray through out the day just to get through it.
I pray in the evening as the last thing before I go to bed.
I pray.
I believe in prayer.
I am a fan of prayer.
I pray.
And yet prayer remains a mystery.
Why in the world would God invite someone like me to talk to him?
Why would He want me to ask his favor?
Why would He want me to make requests?
I am not sure why.
But he does. He cares. He loves each of us.
There are so many verbs here.
When? All the time.
How? Without ceasing. Without worry. Without fear. Without giving up.
How? With thanksgiving in our hearts. With faith.
He listens.
He says to ask for more as He has so much to give. Ask for your heart's desire.
He says to ask for the impossible as nothing is impossible with him.
He says ask in my will.
He says be sincere.
He says believe.
It is a mystery.
I choose to talk with Him.
I choose Him.
I want to thank Him and bless Him.
He tolerates my "why?".
I doubt quite a bit.
Somehow God still says I can move his hand.
I can see miracles in others.
I can see miracles in me.
His Word says, "You have not because you ask not." I should ask.
He also say, "I love you. I love you when you talk with me. I love you when you share your sorrow. I love you when you open yourself to me. I love you when you tell me how you feel. I love to spend time with you. I love the moments where you obey and trust me."
We talk.
God listens and responds.
God hears me.
God answers me.
It's a mystery that I love being a part of.
“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)