If speak many languages through my own hard work, but do not have love, I am only making noise.
If I have the gift of teaching and understand the intricacies of advanced grammar in those languages, but do not have love, I am only putting time in the classroom.
If I have in communicative theory, task-based teaching, and other current language theory, but have not love, I will be inadequate as a language teacher.
If I give all my time and effort to my students, taxing my body to which I can boast, but have not love, I gain nothing.
Love in the classroom is patient and kind.
Love in the classroom does not boast and is not proud of itself outside the classroom with other teachers.
Love in the classroom honors the students.
Love in the classroom is not seeking position elsewhere.
Love in the classroom is not angered easily by laziness and disinterest, but works through it.
Love rejoices with all the little steps taken in language learning.
Love always protects, trusts, and hopes in the educational journey of each student.
Love will not fail.
Communication that does honor those around us will eventually cease.
Knowledge that is not treated with Godly wonder will pass away.
When the language teachers were young, they talked, thought, and reasoned like a child.
When the language teachers became older, they put the childish things away.
Let us mature in our walk of faith and seek God face to face in the classroom. Let us seek Him in the faces of our students.
I have come to understand that I am fully known as I labor for and with students.
Faith, hope, and love are keys in the successful language classroom, but the greatest of these is love.
May God bless you as teach!