I have a bit of an outlet with this blog. I can get on the computer at any time and write. God is there in the midst of this too.
With that said, I am willing to admit to the world that homeschooling has got to be the hardest thing in the world to do well. I feel like I am surviving. I am reading water. I want so much to bless my children but it is so hard.
This morning was a case in point. I was the first one out of bed and it was 8:00 am! We went to bed early. I had intentions of getting up around 7 but it just didn't happen.
The other case in point is the morning Bible reading. I had intentions of blessing the boys with a Bible reading this morning. I wanted them to eat their breakfast and listen to the story of how much God loves them. The thought was food for the bodies and food for their souls. They barely listen to the Jesus Storybook Bible or to Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing. I keep hoping for a slightly longer interaction!
Another case in point in screen time. They are constantly wanting screens, and it is a constantly battle to get them off of the screens. As I write this, my youngest is in the kitchen, playing on my phone. He enjoys Youtube videos! LOL! Lord help me with this!
I do get them to do a little bit of handwriting and write in a journal everyday. They don't really like it. I hope they will see the merit in it someday. Small things build character. I really am interested in building up the character of my children.
We went swimming today down at the reservoir. There are free pools available from 9 to 5, so we went down after lunch. It was so good to splash in the water for an hour and a half! They were happy to play. The boys found a couple of friends to play volleyball with. The pools are a God-send!
So what do other people with their children during the holidays? My other question is what do homeschooling Moms do to keep their children busy and happy? Are there lessons and activities all day? Are there moments when you through up your hands and say, "I know you're bored! Find something to do!"
I just want to say that I admire you homeschooling Moms.
You have taken the hardest job on earth and you have added teaching to it! God bless you!
You serve breakfast, lunch, and dinner. God bless you!
You plan lessons for your children. God bless you!
You tolerate artistic messes in your home. God bless you!
You slow down to enjoy your children. God bless you!
You encourage them to read when they are bored. God bless you!
You encourage them to find something to do when they are bored. God bless you!
You let them capture than bug and encourage them to let it go. God bless you!
You let them listen to Mozart and Beethoven and hope it inspires. God bless you!
You stop and smell the flower that your youngest brought to you. God bless you!
You tuck them in at night with a good night kiss and hug. God bless you!
And you fall into bed exhausted from the activities of the day. Tomorrow you will wake up and repeat it all again. God bless you!
I will be in a better mood when there is a change in the weather (it's 35 degrees as we speak!), but for now I would like to say kudos to you! You are amazing! You are doing the hardest job on earth!
I admire and love what you do!
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6