Of course, they did the usual things like stick their fingers in the dimly lit candles to see how hot it was, made faces at each other, and goofed off while I read the story. I have also learned to stop intermittently to ask questions to see who is paying attention. They were both good, understanding that Charlie was not feeling good about all the commercialism in Christmas. His poor tree that he finds is just so in need of loving hands.
I love that the story or video ends with his friends decorating the tree and transforming it to something beautiful. Aidan understood the story while Jordan was off doing something with chocolate wrappers. I sighed and said, “You will be better tomorrow!”
Jordan has continued the tradition of not quite listening while he looks and reaches for anything that looks interesting. I caught him the other day trying to put his whole fist in his mouth. He smiled with a twinkle in his eye when I told him to take his hand out of his mouth.
Speaking of Aidan, I have another cute anecdote for you today. Last week, I was on a quiet rampage about the way things get thrown around and never picked up and put back where they belong. I believe I even called all three of my sons nitwits. Aidan was horrified at what I was saying. “Momma, we are not nitwits! We may be idiots but we are not nitwits!” I laughed so hard I thought I was going to pee my pants. I told him that his words were something I was never going to forget!
Justin I have barely seen. He is away at university for most of the day. He strikes in late at night, makes jokes about being black and then wanders off to play a game. It would be easier to see him if I could stay awake until 3:00 in the morning!
Aidan just commented that next weekend is Christmas and that the time flew by. The time certainly did fly! Enjoy the pics of our Christmas tree and my family. The plan is to wear those cheesy sweatshirts on Christmas Eve. Maybe I'll see you?
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Virginia & the Kim Clan